This Competent Person for Excavation and Trenching Training provides participants with the knowledge and skills to identify, assess, and mitigate hazards in excavation and trenching operations in compliance with ANSI and OSHA standards. Using Bloom’s Taxonomy, the course progresses from foundational understanding to advanced application and decision-making, preparing participants to manage excavation safety effectively.
Aligned with OSHA 1926 Subpart P and ANSI/ASSE A10.12, the course covers soil classification, protective systems, inspections, and emergency procedures. Participants will engage in practical exercises and an end-of-course assessment to validate their competency in excavation and trench safety.

By the end of this course, participants will be able to:
1. Identify soil types, trenching hazards, and regulatory requirements in excavation work
2. Describe proper procedures for excavation and trench safety, including protective systems and best practices
3. Explain techniques related to proper soil classification and selection of protective systems
4. Analyze excavation sites for existing and predictable hazards and select corrective actions
5. Evaluate excavations and trenches for compliance with OSHA and ANSI standards
6. Develop corrective actions and emergency response plans to address excavation and trenching hazards

Program Overview and Workshops
· Compliance review of photos and videos of excavations and trenches and work practices
· Overview of OSHA 29 CFR 1926 Subpart P Excavation Requirements for protective systems, soil classifications, inspections, and safety measures
· Overview of ANSI/ASSE A10.12: Safety Requirements for Excavation and Trenching
· Review and amendment(s) of an Excavation-Specific Safety Program
· Review and amendment(s) of Excavation and Trenching Procedural Safety Duties
· Review and completion of a Scaffold Inspection Checklist
· Completion and review of a JSA for Excavating and/or Trenching

For questions about course details or registration, please contact
Global Era Training
Doug Castro
(504) 231-1000 m